Herbs and Spices for Vata Season.

Vata and Autumn

As we dive deeper into fall colors, cooler temperatures and are likely spending more time indoors than we have for the last 6 months, we might experience a change in our health and wellness.

Fall is the time of VATA which means cooler temperatures, windy days and dry crisp mornings might bring about stiffness in the body, anxiety in the mind and restlessness in the soul.

(VATA - remember is expressed by the elements Air and Space and carries gunas (attributes) of cold, rough, dry, mobile, hard and quick. You might be experiencing symptoms that are related to these gunas however we do not want to add more of these gunas into our life. We can control that by the food we eat, the beverages we drink, the movement we partake in and the company we keep!)

Autumn is a transitional season meaning it is a time for us to slow down, take stock of the past summer months and prepare for hunkering down in winter. Be gentle with your body, mind and soul during these times by not overwhelming your nervous system with too much activation. Take more pauses, practice intermittent meditation and breath-work practices throughout the day, drink warm fluids and eat more cooked foods rather than raw or hard, rough and dry foods, and stock up on your herbal support!

Below are some of my favorite herbs and spices to help keep Vata balanced and nourished during Vata season!

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Ginger is a pungent, warming digestive that helps to stimulate the digestive fire (agni), break down nutrients and help with absorption. Ginger can also help to assist the nervous system (majja dhatu) and works as a stimulant in aiding circulation.


Cardamom is a tridoshic, pungent and sweet warming spice that works as a fantastic digestive especially for reducing bloating and internal gas. Cardamom helps to reduce vata and also balances kapha in the lungs, great for cold and flu season!


Cinnamon is a warming spice with pungent, bitter and sweet tastes, excellent for increasing agni. The heat of cinnamon helps to break down built up kapha in the body and at the same time balances vata. The warming heat of cinnamon is also great for clearing the respiratory passages providing comfort and soothing properties for airways. When working with the respiratory system, cinnamon works synergistically with other warming botanicals like ginger and black pepper. (try these three herbs boiled in a tea when you’re feeling under the weather). 

Cinnamon can also be a great aid for healthy circulation and joints as the heating properties help to break up the accumulation of ama (digestive impurities) that can build around the joints. By strengthening digestion with cinnamon, you can help prevent ama from accumulating in the joints. 

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Cumin is a bitter and pungent herb that warms the digestive system so that food can be assimilated and digested comfortably. Cumin’s unique combination of bitters and aromatics help to stimulate the rhythmic contractions, peristalsis, of the digestive tract. Peristalsis helps to propel food downward (helping the downward flow of vata and prana), helping to prevent any bloating, gas, heartburn, slow breakdown of food, sluggish motility, and poor absorption of vitamins and nutrients. 


Turmeric is a warm and bitter herbs that has been used for hundreds of years to aid in reducing inflammation (more specifically the component in turmeric, curcumin). In addition to helping reduce inflammation, turmeric aids in digestion, nourishes the joints 

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Black pepper is a pungent warming herbs that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to increase heat in the body. It is traditionally known for helping respiratory diseases and conditions related to intestinal flora. The antioxidant properties in black pepper help to cleanse ama, enhances bioavailability, helping to absorb and circulate all the necessary nutrients. 


Hingvastak is a pungent, warming herb that helps to soothe vata, supports the entire digestive tract and process, removes excess vata in the digestive tract, enhances agni by warming and kindling the digestive fire, and helps to maintain a healthy appetite. Hingvastak is also very calming which not only helps reduce vata but also assists in the natural lubrication of the intestines, supporting healthy elimination. 


Ashwagandha is a bitter and slightly warming help that is a staple and go to for calming the nervous system (majja dhatu) and balancing vata by providing a calming, grounding effect. Ashwagandha also helps to support the immune system, provide mental clarity, aids in healthy sleep patterns, supports bones and joints and promotes healthy functioning of the adrenals. 

Customize your Health Journey

General guidelines for health and healing are important and can be very beneficial for educating the masses on how to make smart choices about ones wellbeing. However, we are individual people with unique makeups who need personalized treatment plans. If you’re not feeling your absolute best and want more guidance in how to best live your healthiest life, we can work together to develop a customized treatment plan that helps get you to where you need to be.

Book a consult online with me today

*It is important to work with a wellness coach to see these imbalances as well as better understand your natural constitution to find the root cause of some of the health issues you may be facing with no solution in sight. All of the information in this blog is for educational purposed only and is not medical advice.

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Nourishing Foods During Vata Season


Ama and Its effect on the Body