Transition into Winter

Happy Winter Solstice! 

Winter can have us feeling:

  • introspection

  • depression

  • isolation

Qualities of Winter: Kapha Season

Managing the Autumn - Winter transition with Ayurveda:

  1. Focus on opposite qualities of winter

  2. Routine, Routine, Routine - anchor yourself to tangible routine amidst change

  • wake up with the sun (6:30-7:30 depending on the sun)

  • elimination (go poop when you wake up!)

  • tongue scrape

    • tongue scrapping helps to eliminate the toxins that build up from your digestive tract on your tongue - instead of re-digesting the white coating “ama”, scrap it away!

  •  brush your teeth (you should already be doing this…)

  • oil pulling - take a tablespoon of coconut or sesame oil, swish it around in your mouth for a few minutes then spit it out (but NOT down the drain).

    • *oil pulling can also help to support your immune system! When you oil pull (especially with sesame oil which is naturally astringent and antibacterial) the oil will help to tighten the gums around your teeth to help avoid plaque building up from under the teeth. The swishing action also helps to dislodge toxins from the gums.*

  • drink warm (or hot) water with lemon

    • lemon helps with elimination and cleanses the colon. Lemon is also sour and warming - perfect for the cool weather approaching.

  • movement

  • eat at the same time and eat foods with the season. 

    • eating at the same time of day helps with the routine and benefits the nervous system and contributes to healthy digestion

  • before bed, take at least an hour of distraction free space (literally the hardest lifestyle challenge for me!) turn inwards before your body resets overnight

Remember - 

  1. “seasons” depend on the qualities you experience. What is the season where you are geographically? If winter doesn’t happen for you right now - follow the Ayurvedic plan for the qualities of the season you are currently experiencing. 

  2. Transitions take time. Be kind and gentle 

  3. Always consult your doctor!

If you have any questions, would like to book a consult never hesitate to reach out to me!

Ashley Katzakian

Autumn to Winter Transitional


Summer to Autumn Transitional Recipe