Agni and it’s importance on the body.

In Ayurveda, Agni is the fire that burns to keep you alive and healthy. It digests our food and also our emotions to promote health in all areas in our body. Agni gets rid of the toxins, or ama, present in our body that comes from food, products, stress, chemicals, pollutants and so much more. Without regular detoxing of ama, a build up can present itself as aches and pains in the body. Ama creates “un-wellness” that often goes ignored or unnoticed because of how normalized pain is in our society BUT ama is truly the first signs and symptoms of larger more dangerous health issues. (Think of the common runny nose one might get and have for months at a time that lead to a horrible case of post nasal drip that then leads to a larger more complicated ear, nose and throat issue. All that could have been prevented if the first runny nose was addressed instead of ignored.)

Ama is to be expected as there is no way to live ama free 100% but the excessive buildup is when it causes issues and is even more concerning that is happening within us where we are not able to see this excessive buildup.

To further see the importance of Agni, here are a few functions that Agni plays in the body:

  • Digestion and absorption of food

  • The creation of enzymes

  • All metabolic activity in the body

  • Mental clarity

  • Intelligence

  • Flow of cellular communication

  • Healthy skin, hair, and eyes

  • Courage and confidence

  • Strength and vitality

  • and so, so much more

To heal our bodies and live a less toxic life with an ama build up, Agni is a very valuable function of our body. Strengthening your Agni as much as it can be will pay off in your health inwardly and outwardly. Self-awareness and intentionality of getting rid of ama is one of the best things you can do for your body. It is important to work with a practitioner to see these warning signs of a potential ama build up to turn up the agni fire within yourself to rid the body of some of the toxins.

In the coming post, we will discuss more about ama and the steps you can take to begin removing it from the body but it is important to notice it in the early stages if possible before it progresses into more buildup that takes longer to get rid of. Educating ourselves is the best tool we have for learning about our bodies and not relying on modernized medicine to solve the symptoms but rather address the issue from the source. Ayurveda can do that for you.

As always, if you have any questions please do not ever hesitate to comment here or let us know by sending an email or booking a consult.

*It is important to work with a wellness coach to see these imbalances as well as better understand your natural constitution to find the root cause of some of the health issues you may be facing with no solution in sight. All of the information in this blog is for educational purposed only and is not medical advice.


Ama and Its effect on the Body


Autumn to Winter Transitional